2024: S5 Equity, Diversity, Inclusion…and Belonging

June is Pride month and paralleling the importance of equality, session 5 discussed the aspects of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging as it pertains to the design and built environment, we will discuss why DEI competency is important for design professionals and the profession. How can we balance client needs and goals with the public’s interest and safety in mind, incorporating DEI values? What kinds of initiatives could be implemented, actionable strategies, or policies that attract and retain diverse talent? We will examine how to build inclusive environments that foster culture, minimize bias, and address systemic inequities. There will be shared discussions with DEI firm leaders examining how DEI strategies have shaped the industry and the role of leadership in shaping the future of the industry with diverse representation.

Overall, these discussions will highlight how to implement Universal Design (UD) principles and the isUD Certification general process for any project. Additionally, there will be case studies showing how architecture can be inclusive, also for non-physical disabilities like learning disabilities, or for people in the autism spectrum. We will examine a public space as it pertains to inclusivity and showcase a mixed-use development project with historical value and its long road to public engagement.


2024 S6: Community Engagement


2024: S4 Professional Practice & the One-Day MBA