S4: Professional Practice &

the One Day MBA

May 10th, 2024

Location: MillerKnoll Showroom
Led by: Dorris Hwang, RA, EDAC, LEED AP BD+C & Anne Mitchell, AIA, NCARB

In this session, scholars learned the basic legal, ethical, and business concepts critical to running a successful architectural practice. Presenters covered topics that affect firms of all sizes and backgrounds, such as balancing finances, business development, and risk management. Scholars were also introduced to the importance of personal and professional brand management and the importance of knowing your own value professionally.

Act 1: Business 101

Joel Fidler, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Joel Fidler set the stage for the session by providing an overview of business principles, from legal firm structure to contracts. Joel covered additional topics such as managing risk, aligning your vision statement with your firm’s, and operations – each within the context of architectural practice.

Koren Stauffer, CPSM and
Jeremy Arnold, AIA, LEED AP BD+C

Koren began this presentation with tips for successful business development and gave context on the importance of marketing yourself and your brand. Jeremy shared strategies for winning work, avoiding scope creep, and developing fees that allow for profit while staying competitive as a firm.

Act 2: Winning Work

This panel discussion included three industry leaders representing their respective firm sizes: large (100+) to medium (10-50) to small (1-10). The panel provided their perspectives on challenges they have faced related to firm size, including risk management, growth, innovation, and firm culture.

Ben Norkin, RA, Tim Bakos, AIA, LEED AP ND and David Shove-Brown, AIA, NCARB

Act 3: View from the Top

The session concluded with session organizers Anne and Dorris presenting trends based on aggregated data collected via the Salary Transparency Survey and compared to the AIA Compensation Survey Salary Calculator. Following a brief overview of the compiled data, the scholars engaged in an open dialog to discuss fairness, equity, and accountability in compensation practices as well as the importance of – and strategies for – advocating for your own value.

Scholar Discussion

Act 4: Salary Transparency Survey

Thank You to the 2024 Session 4 Sponsors